LTECH Participated in guangzhou international lighting exhibition of 2015- LED Controller | LED Dimmable Driver | Intelligent Home -LTECH兴发个人中心登录通道


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LTECH Participated in guangzhou international lighting exhibition of 2015

Jun 12, 2015


This year is the 20th anniversary of Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition, and also the 7th participation of LTECH in the exhibition. 


Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition witnessed LTECH’s growth by every step. 


During the past years, it was the foreign visitors who were much interested in our products, while many domestic visitors even didn’t know what the gadgets LTECH’s LED controllers are. 

Now, however, with strong promotion for intelligent lighting of major lighting companies, domestic customers’ demand for intelligent control goes larger and larger. 




Nowadays, domestic customers feel like discovering the New World when they see LTECH, exclaiming: It was over ten years ago that LTECH started the developing and manufacturing of intelligent lighting control products!


The greater ambition, the larger stage. At the background of intelligent lighting wave sweeping across the globe, we believe that the state for LTECH will be larger in the future!
